Things Change…

This is a post that I’ve assumed was coming for a while now, and it’s finally here. You see, for the last months, I’ve been in heavy edit-mode to get my Division trilogy ready for publishing, and I had the end-of-edits in my sights for a time to step back and breathe.

I turned in the final version of the third book, so now, breathing time!

It’s also time to open up a little bit about what will be happening in the future, and that’s less publication. The truth of the matter is that I’m at a point in my life where I can’t rationalize dedicating so much time to something that isn’t a major source of income in my life. A girl’s gotta make sure she’s getting her bills paid, after all, and other priorities simply need to come before putting hours for weeks, months, or maybe even a year for something that’s not really going to make a dent in anything that falls in line with those priorities.

I still love writing, and I plan to continue to write! I’m chasing some freelance opportunities, and you can keep tabs on my Nimue account for food and health related posts. And, of course, Sewing Machines Plus is still a place to find my writing.

I also plan to dive into Fanfiction again, but I won’t be giving out the name of the account from here. I find that writing Fanfiction can be a very relaxing process, but if I tie my professional name to it, the pressure is on to make it more perfect, closer to a book I’m going to publish. That ups the stress and tension levels, and therefore removes the relaxing detail!

You shouldn’t be too surprised if other books show up online from me either! I’m not saying it won’t happen! I’m just saying I’m letting my writing take more financially productive and/or less stressful avenues for the most part, and other details might be more delayed in coming.

Regardless, thanks for all the support!

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